Tuesday, 20 March 2012

Audience Evaluation


As a group we have decided that our priminary target audience will consist of mostly a younger age group, the teens, just like our selves, ages 15 and over.
As a group we indentified that the genre of our film, Comedy Horror, has been very sucessful with this age group. zombieland /and Shaun /of The Dead are great evidence for this. therefore if our film was to be distributed it would be given a rating of 15. this would mean that our film will be easily accessible by our target demographic.

Nick Redfern stated that:
         "Male audience members exhibit stronger preferences for science fiction, action/adventure and horror films while women preferred romantic comedies and family films."
         " Younger respondents were likly to select comedy horror as thier favourite genres, whereas older audience members were more likely to selct dramas, documentaries and classic films."

This statement supports our first judgement. and after this statement, as a group we decided that our main target audience is young males but also not neglecting females as we didnt want to limit ourseleves.


Having such a young target audience, as a group we have made a concious decision of making a comedy zombie film, as our research showed that oyur target demographic responds to this genre positively.
We have also chosen actors which are similar in age group to our target demographic in order to attract them and mentain thier intrest in the film as we felt that having certain similarities with our audience such as age will make them respond and relate to our film more positively.

In order to attract our target audience, we used various questionares, which was given to our target audience. In this questionarre they could state thier opinions on certain factors contributing to the final outcome of our various media products such as Fonts and illustration designs.The questionarres contributted greatly in creating a great final outcome in our media poieces includiong our Production Logo and our film.

Inaddition we have also used play on words as well as humour in various media products such as our film and our production logo in order to attract our audience as we knew that our target audience responds to humour positively. we felt that this would contribute to a more rememmorable and exciting final product which will positively make an impact on our target audience.

Sunday, 11 March 2012

On March 11th wew re-filmed our film opening, altough later than planned.
Due to our limited time schedule, we strted filming early in the morning at about 11 O'clock. we decided to start early to have a consistant lighting throughout ourfilm. as we didnt want to start at for example 4 and we over run till the night. also, starting early meant that we would be able to have longer to film, meaning that we we were not as limited timewise. it also meant that we would be abkle to edit the film after the shooting.

As a group we underestimated the how long it would take to edit the film opening. in total it took appeoximately 9 hours, starting on the day of the filming and finishing early aftertoon the day after.

Monday, 5 March 2012

Production Logo First draft.

Production Logo

This is my first draft of the production logo.
I feel that the colours could be improved greatly, however i feel the composition and the layout of the whole logo works and compliments eachother.


Re-Filming has temporarily been postponed. This is due to Edith is feeling ill today. Therefore we will need to re schedule again even though this not the ideal situation.

Sunday, 4 March 2012



We decided that in order to improve our film we needed to do mroe research into our target audience. I found the statement below on the Digital Film Archive:

'horror movies make a direct appeal to our emotions - the fear and desire to be frightened, to be taken to the edge of our cinema seats. Horror movies have therefore been popular with adult audiences and have a particular appeal to young people.'

I then read a short paper on the Analysis of Genre Prefrences in UK Film Audiences on a blog posted by Nick Redfern:

'male audience members exhibit stronger preferences for science fiction, action/advernture and horror films while women preferred romantic comedies and family films.'

'younger respondents were more likely to select comedy and horror as their favourite genres, whereas older audience members were more likely to select dramas, documentaries and classic films.'

This research concludes that without specifically directing it at a target audience, young males are more likely to watch zombie movies than any other type of person. However, now that we know this, we need to be careful that we do not limit ourselves to appealing to the mindset of this category of people.
We need to remember not to make it pure action but to also involve enough emotion so that it will also appeal to other members of the British filmgoing population. However, as it is a zombie film, it will never be a family film so we do also have a fair amount of freedom with what we put in. For example, as we are not aiming it at families of 4 with young children, we can add as much gore as our abilities will allow.

Now that we have researched our limitations we can adjust our film accordingly so that it is more suitable for our target
Post done by Edith



In order to recruit actors, I have created a facebook event.

So far, I have only stated the dates and the time and how many we need so that those who want to do it and those who can do are seperated.
After we have organised who is acting as what, we will send out a list of requirements concerning constume and makeup etc.

However, despite the event being live for just over a week, we have had no responses so we are going to have to start ambushing drama classes and trying to recruit actors this way."

Post done by Edith.
From the facebook group alone, there was negative signs that Re-Filming was going to be a challenge especially with the actors. we have learnt that the best way of contac ting actors would be through face to face communications and also by phone, as we get a response straight away.

Re- Filming and Make Up.

After acknowledging many of the faults, such as our bags being visible, camera not being steady enough, and people looking and laughing at the camera etc. in our first film opening, as a group we have decided that it was necessary to re film and improve on the things that we did wrong.

Unfortunately a mixture of many different factors contributed to us not being able to re film today.
Firstly, only 1 out of our number of actors turned up. There was many contributing reasons why people didn’t turn up, such as the weather, being rainy and snowy, as well as many of the actors were A-level students like us meaning that they also have a lot of work to do. However as a group we were too optimistic and remained positive.

Thinking many of our actors were going to turn up, we started putting on the makeup on ourselves.
As a group we have decided that our original make up was too unrealistic and only just made a Halloween feel. Therefore we have decided to resolve this problem by using yellow facepaint,  As well as adding cuts and more fake blood, and also improving the make up around the eyes.
We replaced the heavy black eye make up with subtle red and black make up. We felt that this gave a more realistic looking feel. Making us look ill and less of a Halloween costume.

Make Up Attempt 1

Make Up attempt 2

Even though re-filming failed today,we have gained more knowledge on the costume and make up today which we will apply in when we re-film. As a team we now all collectively have a wider knowledge on how to do the make up which means that we can all do the make up next time.

We are planning to re-film tomorrow. we hope that we get a better response from our actors and that the weather will be good, as we think that this was main contributing factor why our actors didnt turn up today.

Friday, 2 March 2012

Not Quite Alive But Definitely Kicking Title Board.

Even though I am in charge of the title board we have decided that we would make it as a group to maximise the quality of the final outcome.

I have been working on possible composition of the title board as well as the fonts. I have experimented on using 2 different fonts to emphasise certain words, however I felt that this gave an almost disorientating feel, and made the whole title board a unprofessional finish, as well as making it look messy.

[To be Continued]

Thursday, 1 March 2012

How did you attract/adress your audience? - Planning.

To answer this question i would have the question placed at the cebter of the page and have various sub titles which will have various ares of the titles answering the question. for example 1 subtitle will include various screen shots of our audience feedback from our blog, aswell as some examplar questionares.
All the subtitles will include in depth explaination of how that relates to the question.  in order to make this an excellent / proficient it will have to include various types of medias which will come from the examples of the content related to the various subtitles aswell as the question. In addition i will need to create a visually exciting, and intresting mediums, which will maxsimise the viewers intrest.

My intial ideas for this are: An exciting prezzie, xtranormal.